பாலைக்கலியில் எதிர் இணைகள்

Oxymoron in Palaik Kali



In the Palaik kali, the mind and money are both opposed. Valentine's mind weaving by division; Any money for the division. It is shown here that Perungadungo, who sang Palaik kali with these opposite parallels, enriched the art of Palaik kali. According to the Marxist theory that poverty is produced where material is produced, these opposites are seen in Freud's view that Life instinct is produced where Death instinct is produced.1  Freud defines the transformation of the Thalaivi conscious mind from death instinct to life instinct  as passive ego, and the Thalaivi leader's transformation of himself into intuition into active ego.2  The notion that castration complex 3  is the main reason why women are often the only ones suffering in internal songs is also being explored here. The friend is seen here comforting the Thalaivi who is in sectarian distress, she comforting the Thalaivan, and the leader comforting herself under the opposite parallels.


Oxymoron, Life instinct, Death instinct, Passive ego, Active ego, Freudist, Marxist, castration complex


  1. Vassu.Arivazhagan, Psychoanalysis in Tamil Literature, Thamizhaga Institute of Research and Advancement, Chennai, 2014.
  2. Aranga. Nalangilli, Feraudin Kalai Ilakkiya Ullappaguppaaivu, Vanidasan Pathippagam ,Puducherry, 1999.


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Article Details

 Volume 1 Issue 1 Sep 2021

 Page No: 40-47

 DOI: https://doi.org/

 Received On: 17 Aug 2021

 Revised On: 25 Aug 2021

 Accepted On: 30 Aug 2021

 Published On: 04 Sep 2021

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