கவிஞர் பாலாவின் கவிதைகளில் பழமரபுச் சிந்தனைகள்

Traditional Thoughts in the Poems of the Poet Bala



The poet is the one who unites the inner senses and does the work of connecting the people of the world. Renewal Poetry is the modern Niagara that infuses innovative ideas with each study. A.Balachandran, known as the poet Bala, is a great poet. He had a unique identity in the Tamil script. In his poems the traditional thoughts of the Tamils are always evident. He points out that we have lost genetic elements due to the change of time. He says that the old should be replaced by the new, but he also condemns the way in which today's people think that civilization is negative. The poet effectively embodies not only about man but also about the life of nature in his poems.


Interior, Storytelling, Art mind, Shrine, Thirukkolam, Civilization, Madu, Humane


  1. Bala, Puthukavithai oru Puthuparvai, Agaram Publication, Thanjavur-7, Fifth Edition, January 2011.
  2. Bala, Thinnaigalum Varaverparaigalum, Kavitha Publication, Chennai -17, First Edition, December 1999.
  3. Bala, Tamil Elakkiyathin Padaippu Pinpulam, Annam Publication, Thanjavur - 7, First Edition - 2013.
  4. Bala, Thinnaigalum Varaverparaigalum, Kavitha Publication, Chennai - 17, First Edition, December 1999.
  5. Bala, Puthukavithai oru Puthuparvai, Agaram Publication, Thanjavur-7, Fifth Edition, January 2011.


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Article Details

 Volume 1 Issue 1 Sep 2021

 Page No: 73-85

 DOI: https://doi.org/

 Received On: 20 Aug 2021

 Revised On: 27 Aug 2021

 Accepted On: 01 Sep 2021

 Published On: 05 Sep 2021

How to cite


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