அகநானூற்றில் பண்பாட்டு வாழ்வியல் பதிவுகள்

Cultural Biographical Records in the Akananuru



Sangakkalam can be called a golden age in the history of Tamil Nadu. The Sangam literature serves as a source of study for defining the culture of the Tamils by defining the period. The literature of this society greatly contributes to the study of ancient history. Sangam literatures fall into two major categories, internal and external. Internal Literatures Literary Society Internal Literature is the literature that analyzes the internal morals of the ancient Tamils and the way of life in which they lived. One of the Sangam internal literatures is also known as Akananuru ‘Nedunthokai’. Contains high-pitched songs as per the title and contains historical data. In that sense, the study summarizes the study of the culture, religious life, and career of the ancient people in the early nineteenth century.


Sangam Literature, Culture, Hospitality, Worship, Fisheries


  1. N.Devaneya pavanar, Pandaiya tamilar nagarigamum panpadum, Manivasagar Pathippagam, Madurai, 2004.
  2. P.V.Somasundharanar, kaliththogai, NCBH, Chennai, 2006.
  3. S.Sakthivel, Natuppuraviyal aiu, Sarvothaya Ilakkiyappannai, Madurai, 2003.
  4. Thirukkural, Manivasagar Pathippagam, Madurai 2009.


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Article Details

 Volume 1 Issue 1 Sep 2021

 Page No: 100-108

 DOI: https://doi.org/

 Received On: 22 Aug 2021

 Revised On: 27 Aug 2021

 Accepted On: 02 Sep 2021

 Published On: 05 Sep 2021

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