மாற்றுப் பண்பாட்டை வெளிப்படுத்தும் தலித்திய கவிதைகள்

Dalit Poems Expressing Alternative Culture



By refusing to accept structured caste hierarchies of exclusion or marginalization, Dalit poetry claims space for itself, trespasses into forbidden spaces, ridicules what is fabricated as superior as inferior, presents what is marginalized as substandard, observes what is superior and their background. The alternative culture of Dalit people has been exposed in various platforms, like exposing and ridiculing politics. In that way, this article examines only the poems that emphasise the alternative culture of Dalit people in these three magazines: Dalit, New Godangi and Dalit Murasu (1995 to 2000).

The literature expresses the social, economic and cultural elements of the period in which it was created. At the same time, the historical trends of that period should not be forgotten. According to the historical trends of the times, the form, structure and quantity of literature are also subject to change. In that way, Dalit poems have recorded messages about Dalit people in various ways. This article aims to find out whether Dalit people have expressed their pain and needs for cultural change when they are oppressed.


Opposing Old Traditions, Unwrapping of Writing Tradition, Oppressed People, Dalit Poems, Cultural Change, Livelihood of Dalit People


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Article Details

 Volume 3 Issue 1 Mar 2023

 Page No: 8-16

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7608982

 Received On: 29 Nov 2022

 Revised On: 18 Jan 2023

 Accepted On: 30 Jan 2023

 Published On: 06 Feb 2023

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