உணவுக் கொடை

Gift of Food



Food is one of the basic needs of everyone. This Kind of food was given by the people of the Sangam period to those who solicited the gift. The food served by them is mostly non-vegetarian. Food types are found to be native and composed of grains belonging to other lands. Rice Food known as Mural is provided by Thinai land people such as Ayar and Cultivators. Meals made from the flour of grains like Pearl millet and finger millet are given by the people of Marutham lands. Amalai is a type of food given by the kings, philanthropists and Kurinji land's people. This Amalai indicates swarm. As Amalai rice is said to be Vensoru And Sensoru, it is clear that Venel and Senel are the ingredients for this dish. Ayar, Kuravar and others have given Kali made of rice flour called Mithavai. So this Mithavai may be a rice flour kali, different from the kali made of finger millet that is in circulation today. It is clear that the use of this type of food was found in Kurinji land and Mullai land. Boiled food is called Vevai and extra-boiled food is called pommel. This type of Pommal food and Vevai food is also seen to be different in the way it is cooked. It is clear that food boiled in ghee is referred to as pommel and mutton curry boiled in water is referred to as Vevai.


Mural, Nuvanai, Amalai, Mithavai, Vevai and Pommel


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Article Details

 Volume 3 Issue 1 Mar 2023

 Page No: 64-70

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7679736

 Received On: 09 Jan 2023

 Revised On: 04 Feb 2023

 Accepted On: 20 Feb 2023

 Published On: 27 Feb 2023

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