அண்ணாமலை சதகம் உணர்த்தும் வாழ்வியல் நம்பிக்கைகள்

Annamalai Sathagam Conveys the life beliefs



Faith is like a Pillar in every human being. In this way, if you live with sixteen riches, you will attain moksha in life. It is a form of faith. There are foods that well-educated experts dismiss as unhealthy. The reason is that the thought expresses the belief that all these will cause physical harm. If we do sinful activities that are not human life then it will come back to us. It is a unique belief that sins committed unknowingly can be expunged through some remedies. Eat with etiquette while eating. Otherwise the belief that food will be unavailable later is expressed through how to taste the medicinal betel nut. One of the basic needs of man is food, to produce that food it is a belief that better tillage. Also, Annamalai sathagam predicts belief systems such as the fruit of the month of Adi, Which gives superiority, if a person lives by performing good deeds for the body, he can get rid of bondage.


Faith, Discipline, Wealth, Habits, Tillage, Cure of Disease


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  2. Valarmathi. Neethi Nulgal. 6th ed., Gopalapuram, Chennai, Mathi Nilayam, 2010.
  3. S V, Subramanian. Sittrilakkiya Kalanjiyam. 1st ed., vol. 1, Sathaga ilakkiyangal, Puthu Theru, Chidambaram, Meiyappan Publications, 2015.
  4. N V, Jayaraman. Sittrilaikya Selvangal. 1st ed., Puthu Theru, Chidambaram, Meiyappan Publications, 2016.


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Article Details

 Volume 3 Issue 1 Mar 2023

 Page No: 118-124

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7774464

 Received On: 24 Feb 2023

 Revised On: 18 Mar 2023

 Accepted On: 23 Mar 2023

 Published On: 28 Mar 2023

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